Southwest Airlines sunset departure

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Africa and Atheists

I have a good friend who is giving up his medical practice to become a missionary/teacher in Malawi, Africa. He’s gently prodding us to join him, but I don’t think we’ll join him for various reasons--as much as I think the work would be rewarding. He came to mind when I read this article this morning and thought I’d share the article as a good thought for the new year...

Title: As an atheist, I truly believe Africa needs God

CORRECTION:... Becoming a missionary in South Africa. (He’s been going to Malawi, Africa for the last few years...)


Sybrand and Beth de Swardt said...

Hey, he's not going to Malawi. He's coming to South Africa and yes South Africa is a country in Africa.

Mark Economou said...

Oh yea. Malawi is where he's been going the last few years and has tried to get me to go with him.

He's going to the country of Africa....(in case Palin is listening...)

Ok, the country of South Africa, near Praetoria, I believe