Southwest Airlines sunset departure

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Grandma Allin et al

Sandy and I wandered into Santa Barbara today just to get away. While there I randomly called my uncle, Chris Benton, asked to come by for a visit and we did. He was a wonderful uncle growing up and we talked about our grown families...good time, indeed. We also visited the old houses on the hill behind the Mission and went through memory lane. This led us to see Grandma Allin’s grave-site to pay our respects.

Those who ever knew Grandma know that she was a very special woman and touched many people during her days. She is still missed to this day. In her memory:


Along with Grandpa, and even Great-grandma!



Along the way we encountered a very unique van:



Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Paul posted a funny which depicts how we will be in retirement:

Check it out

Boeing's Lineage

A friend of mine sent me a picture that aviation enthusiasts would appreciate. July 14th, Boeing had an event at the Museum of Flight that brought together all their 700 series aircraft and put them in one place at the same time for the first time. Photo’s caption:

        “Amid all the 787 roll-out hoopla, perhaps the coolest event went unnoticed. On Saturday night, Boeing had all of the 787 airline representatives at an event at the Museum of Flight. At 7:07 PM, an Omega Air Refueling Services 707 landed in front of the crowd (after taking off from Paine Field in Everett). At 7:17, an AirTran 717 landed. This continued until 8:17 when an Air France 777-300ER landed. In the end, the 717, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, and 777 were lined up nose-to-tail on the taxiway. It is the first time Boeing has had every 7-series airplane in the same place (not counting the 787, which couldn't make the flight, of course).”

I’m lucky enough to see these aircraft fly every day (except the B707-- unless Travolta flies in like he does once-in-awhile), but to see them lined up like this is pretty cool.


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Fireworks as seen from LAX

There are fireworks everywhere throughout the Los Angeles basin! I think they're aiming for the arriving Unfortunately, the photo from my phone is poor.
