Southwest Airlines sunset departure

Monday, October 13, 2008

More Fire

Eating at Claim Jumpers near the house we saw the fire coming over the
hill toward the house. Wonderful, I'll get to see my house burn down
in the paper. Here's a picture from the restaurant window; you can see
the flames just above the lights of our housing area. (fairly with the cellphone camera).


Kevin said...

You should move somewhere that rains.

Speaking of fire, I did try to burn my house down on my first ever try using the fireplace.


barbemil said...

Where is Porter Ranch from you? Bet there is a lot of smoke in the air... you must be in Oklahoma now so can forget the fire for a while.....Love, Mom

Mark Economou said...

Where there's smoke, there's fire, Kevin. It wasn't from the fireplace, it was from your ears (brain) with all the stuff you have to learn at that wet/rainy/damp/ tower.