Southwest Airlines sunset departure

Monday, August 6, 2007

Dog, the Bounty Hunter

Sandy had a chance to see The Dog in person, Saturday, at Walmart in Stevenson Ranch of all places. He’s promoting a book and hundreds came to see him. She said he seems like a shy person in crowds but was enjoying himself with all the fans. Paparazzi Sandy took a picture.:



H said...

That's awesome! I love Dog

Anonymous said...

who knew dog loved the scv :)

Casey said...

I am SOOOOO jealous!

sandy said...

fear and darkness all around you, i am the dog, the big bad dog, the bounty hunter.....

more like the diva dog that wanted 12 people to escort him into the store so no one would touch him. Who also would not stand to take a picture with anyone, no "together" pictures.

He only would autograph his book, no dvds, no t'shirts not nada. Buy my book, or move on.