Consider me an expressive grandfather, father, husband, son, and friend. Although I'm an Air Traffic Controller by trade, I enjoy research, good stories, motorcycle riding, family/friend fun, sushi, and the Anaheim Angels (or is it the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim?). Theologically speaking, I'm a Christian who considers God to be sovereign, balanced, just, and rational. Thus a proper study of the Bible (objective, contextual, historical, and logical) reveals absolute truth to worship and live b

Southwest Airlines sunset departure
Friday, December 14, 2007
Burbank Tower Sunrise
When your office has a 360 degree view of the world, you get to see sunrises like this:
Monday, December 10, 2007
It's Going to be a GIRL!
Although it was a 50/50 chance, I chose correctly that we will be the grandparents of a girl! I’m sure Alicia will post at her blog all the great details. But they did say that the baby is extremely healthy, active, and indicate a birth around April 26th. YAHOO!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
New Tunnel
You may recall the 31 truck pile-up in the tunnel near our house last month. They just opened it up and we happened to be going right by it when it did. I was taking Kyle to work when, all of a sudden, they took the barrier away. I said, “what the heck, Kyle, let’s get on the news!” I’m thinking someone saw us on TV with all the helicopters and news vans there covering the opening.

Saturday, November 10, 2007
Off Broadway Bistro
There is a new restaurant in town that is worth the effort to try. Off Broadway Bistro in Valencia. Sandy, Kyle, and I (at the invitation of Josh) tried it last night and discovered it to be great food, atmosphere, and service. Trying Sandy’s lasagna, it’s the best in town. I had the guacamole burger--best burger in town. The owners, David and Michelle Bucks were very friendly and helpful.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Happy Birthday, Sandy!
Sandy finally made it to 35 years old! She even has a new look, compliments of her new employer, Josh. Life is good! (the mess in the background is the painting that is going on all over the house.)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
All Clear
Looks like the fire stayed away from us this year, YAHOO! Many have already seen this NASA picture, but thought I’d share it anyway--pretty cool.
Here is a reference to the photo above: (our house is by the “Magic” fire...)

Here is a reference to the photo above: (our house is by the “Magic” fire...)
Monday, October 22, 2007
More Fire
The fire has hit closer to home in Stevenson Ranch about 2 miles north of here. Evacuation is possible within the evening depending on the wind. Paul, Kyle, and I went to the top of the hill to take spectacular pictures of fire drops: More Pictures
Here’s an example:
Here’s an example:
Sunday, October 21, 2007
On Fire, Again
Southern California is on fire again. Malibu seems to be getting the worst of it for now, but just like a few years ago, after the wind shifts back to normal in a few days, it will work its way toward us, maybe. They just put a fire out that was not far from the home in Placerita Canyon (where Alicia and Casey used to live)! The helicopters were heroes in that one. Then they immediately moved back to Castaic, about 5 miles north of here. News at 11. Here are some more pictures.
Here’s a view from the backyard...
UPDATE: Kyle’s High School (West Ranch HS) is now threatened.....he’s elated

Here’s a view from the backyard...
UPDATE: Kyle’s High School (West Ranch HS) is now threatened.....he’s elated
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Continued Requirements for Kyle
Along the lines of not falling for the popular sediments of global warming, et al, is popular speech. The words, “like,” “you know,” or “you know what I’m saying?” are imbedded into many peoples sentences these days because it’s popular. Thus I have some more required information for Kyle: required watching and listening...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Required Reading for Kyle
Although this is required reading for my son, Kyle, I thought I’d post it for others’ enlightenment.
Global Warming Delusions, by Daniel B. Botkin
Global Warming Delusions, by Daniel B. Botkin
Monday, October 15, 2007
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Freeway Shut Down
About 2 miles from our house a major accident took place that shut I-5 down for hours (now days). Good thing I start a two week vacation today! Paul and Kyle used my motorcycle to take the detour on The Old Road to work which is about a mile past the wreck. Paul got caught in the traffic coming home from work last night--an 8 minute ride took 2 hours! People just parked their cars on the shoulder and left them after being stuck over 12 hours today. It’s odd seeing all the parked cars on the freeway near the house. It’s 1994 all over again!!! (earthquake...)
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Coast Guard at BUR
Nice change of pace at work with the C130 that dropped parachuters over the Coliseum today
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Road Runner vs. Turtle
Back in my day, it was the Road Runner vs. the Coyote. Rabbit vs Turtle.
In Arizona in my parents back yard, things are a little different:
In Arizona in my parents back yard, things are a little different:
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Found: Names for the grandchild...
Sandy and I had to pose with the names of our future grandchildren.

We need a Homer or Betty in the family.
We need a Homer or Betty in the family.
Dead Sea Scrolls
A group of us traveled to San Diego today to see the Dead Sea Scrolls. It’s pretty amazing seeing documents over 2000 years old which confirm that translation errors over the centuries of the Bible were miniscule. The story of their discovery is quite interesting as well.
Our excursion in Balboa Park was fun as well. It brought back memories of taking baby Paul and Alicia to the museums in San Diego every Tuesday (the free day)--starting their progress of becoming geniuses.
Good times: (no cameras allowed in the exhibit.....)

Picture taken from 2 miles high....
John & Janie Street; Jess & Melissa Arnds; Wayne de Villiars with new baby; Pile kids, Sandy making face.

Our excursion in Balboa Park was fun as well. It brought back memories of taking baby Paul and Alicia to the museums in San Diego every Tuesday (the free day)--starting their progress of becoming geniuses.
Good times: (no cameras allowed in the exhibit.....)
Picture taken from 2 miles high....
John & Janie Street; Jess & Melissa Arnds; Wayne de Villiars with new baby; Pile kids, Sandy making face.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Lyle Shelton and Rare Bear
Many who know the Air Race circuit know that the Rare Bear
won at the Reno Air Races this year. Paul and I went to the race in Sept 2005 (see pics). The picture below was taken by me of the Rare Bear after winning then as well.
Lyle Shelton was the owner (and earlier pilot) of Rare Bear till 2006. He, along with a few other area pilots, came to the tower this morning, and I was able to give them a VIP tour of the facility. It didn’t hit me till just before they left that he was THEE Lyle Shelton of Rare Bear fame. When the light went on in my brain, I stopped him, asked for a picture and autograph, and he complied graciously. Unfortunately the picture came out blurry, but, nevertheless, I got to meet legendary Lyle Shelton. To some of us aviation geeks, this is cool.

Lyle Shelton was the owner (and earlier pilot) of Rare Bear till 2006. He, along with a few other area pilots, came to the tower this morning, and I was able to give them a VIP tour of the facility. It didn’t hit me till just before they left that he was THEE Lyle Shelton of Rare Bear fame. When the light went on in my brain, I stopped him, asked for a picture and autograph, and he complied graciously. Unfortunately the picture came out blurry, but, nevertheless, I got to meet legendary Lyle Shelton. To some of us aviation geeks, this is cool.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Interesting Landing
Here is a B747 doing a typical landing to a now closed airport in Hong Kong... (double click)
The web site I got this from has very interesting clips
You can add these links as well for landing and low flying entertainment
Crazy landings and Low Level Flying (amazing video)
The web site I got this from has very interesting clips
You can add these links as well for landing and low flying entertainment
Crazy landings and Low Level Flying (amazing video)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Alicia and Casey are having a baby! We have a first look below and are ecstatically looking forward to spoiling him/her starting in March or April. This is another reason to live in their parking lot. Alicia hasn’t been posting much at their blog, Alicia and Casey, due to that “sickness” that comes with such blessings. So I’ll post the news and the picture!!! Way to go guys!!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007
LAPD, Mission Community Police Station
Ted Matthews, a lieutenant with the LAPD, gave us a tour of the Mission Community Police Station. The tour included the training room where scenarios are simulated for fire response testing--whether to shoot or not in different situations. It was very realistic once projected on the wall. Here are a few shots of the time in simulation.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Biblical Counseling
A good friend of mine, Jim Pile, is a pastor at Grace Community Church. He’s a counselor whom I help when called. Lately he’s been teaching me new motivational techniques that promote change (although the means seem extra-biblical).

Monday, August 27, 2007
Pala with family!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Terrorist Hunting Permit
Came out of the restaurant this afternoon and saw this on the back window of a pick-up truck:

Which takes me to a very good essay by Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal Friday:
“To Old Times”, worth the read.
Which takes me to a very good essay by Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal Friday:
“To Old Times”, worth the read.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
LAX, No Mas
Good times, bad times--that is/was my LAX experience in a nutshell. The powers that be have decided that my stay at LAX be terminated and I start anew at Burbank Air Traffic Control Tower Monday. I cannot say enough of the quality of air traffic controllers in the tower, they are amazing. They are being pushed to the maximum due to the lack of controllers , many experienced controllers are retiring and breaks/days off are becoming scarce (remember August, 1981?). Working there was amazing, but in retrospect, not working there will allow me to get my life back. Each day of motorcycling the 405 freeway, non-stop talking to airplanes, dealing with “interesting” people, (like running a marathon everyday)--NO MAS. So it’s back to BUR airport--let the good times roll!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
4.5 Earthquake!
We just experienced a real shaker here in beautiful Stevenson Ranch. The epicenter was actuall exactly 5.0 miles from our house (See Google Earth map below).
I had several books fly off my bookshelf in the office. We heard the rumble before it hit, then BAM, it hit.
A light earthquake occurred at 12:58:49 AM (PDT) on Thursday, August 9, 2007.
The magnitude 4.5 event occurred 7 km (4 miles) NNW of Chatsworth, CA.
The hypocentral depth is 6 km ( 3 miles).
Magnitude 4.5 - local magnitude (ML)
Time Thursday, August 9, 2007 at 12:58:49 AM (PDT)
Thursday, August 9, 2007 at 7:58:49 (UTC)
Distance from Chatsworth, CA - 7 km (4 miles) NNW (346 degrees)
Valencia, CA - 10 km (6 miles) SSW (210 degrees)
Newhall, CA - 11 km (7 miles) SW (231 degrees)
Simi Valley, CA - 12 km (7 miles) ENE (66 degrees)
Los Angeles Civic Center, CA - 45 km (28 miles) NW (310 degrees)

I had several books fly off my bookshelf in the office. We heard the rumble before it hit, then BAM, it hit.
A light earthquake occurred at 12:58:49 AM (PDT) on Thursday, August 9, 2007.
The magnitude 4.5 event occurred 7 km (4 miles) NNW of Chatsworth, CA.
The hypocentral depth is 6 km ( 3 miles).
Magnitude 4.5 - local magnitude (ML)
Time Thursday, August 9, 2007 at 12:58:49 AM (PDT)
Thursday, August 9, 2007 at 7:58:49 (UTC)
Distance from Chatsworth, CA - 7 km (4 miles) NNW (346 degrees)
Valencia, CA - 10 km (6 miles) SSW (210 degrees)
Newhall, CA - 11 km (7 miles) SW (231 degrees)
Simi Valley, CA - 12 km (7 miles) ENE (66 degrees)
Los Angeles Civic Center, CA - 45 km (28 miles) NW (310 degrees)
Monday, August 6, 2007
Dog, the Bounty Hunter
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Grandma Allin et al
Sandy and I wandered into Santa Barbara today just to get away. While there I randomly called my uncle, Chris Benton, asked to come by for a visit and we did. He was a wonderful uncle growing up and we talked about our grown families...good time, indeed. We also visited the old houses on the hill behind the Mission and went through memory lane. This led us to see Grandma Allin’s grave-site to pay our respects.
Those who ever knew Grandma know that she was a very special woman and touched many people during her days. She is still missed to this day. In her memory:

Along with Grandpa, and even Great-grandma!

Along the way we encountered a very unique van:

Those who ever knew Grandma know that she was a very special woman and touched many people during her days. She is still missed to this day. In her memory:
Along with Grandpa, and even Great-grandma!
Along the way we encountered a very unique van:
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Boeing's Lineage
A friend of mine sent me a picture that aviation enthusiasts would appreciate. July 14th, Boeing had an event at the Museum of Flight that brought together all their 700 series aircraft and put them in one place at the same time for the first time. Photo’s caption:
“Amid all the 787 roll-out hoopla, perhaps the coolest event went unnoticed. On Saturday night, Boeing had all of the 787 airline representatives at an event at the Museum of Flight. At 7:07 PM, an Omega Air Refueling Services 707 landed in front of the crowd (after taking off from Paine Field in Everett). At 7:17, an AirTran 717 landed. This continued until 8:17 when an Air France 777-300ER landed. In the end, the 717, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, and 777 were lined up nose-to-tail on the taxiway. It is the first time Boeing has had every 7-series airplane in the same place (not counting the 787, which couldn't make the flight, of course).”
I’m lucky enough to see these aircraft fly every day (except the B707-- unless Travolta flies in like he does once-in-awhile), but to see them lined up like this is pretty cool.
“Amid all the 787 roll-out hoopla, perhaps the coolest event went unnoticed. On Saturday night, Boeing had all of the 787 airline representatives at an event at the Museum of Flight. At 7:07 PM, an Omega Air Refueling Services 707 landed in front of the crowd (after taking off from Paine Field in Everett). At 7:17, an AirTran 717 landed. This continued until 8:17 when an Air France 777-300ER landed. In the end, the 717, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, and 777 were lined up nose-to-tail on the taxiway. It is the first time Boeing has had every 7-series airplane in the same place (not counting the 787, which couldn't make the flight, of course).”
I’m lucky enough to see these aircraft fly every day (except the B707-- unless Travolta flies in like he does once-in-awhile), but to see them lined up like this is pretty cool.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Fireworks as seen from LAX
There are fireworks everywhere throughout the Los Angeles basin! I think they're aiming for the arriving Unfortunately, the photo from my phone is poor.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
If he only knew...
An Apache AH-64 made an emergency landing in Orem, Utah in a parking lot. A guy named Keith McQueen took this picture....
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Rent vs. Own a Home
I’ve been researching and thinking about renting vs. owning a home. We plan to scale down for retirement in the next few years and maybe moving closer to work. The American Dream is to own, but I’m beginning to think this applies to people who plan to stay in one place for many years. Retirement years are different. Mobility, lower costs, lack of long-term financial commitments, staying near family (Czech Repubic comes to mind), NO DEBT, and playing with stocks for investment seem more appealing to me. The arguments range far and wide trying to persuade one way or the another. The mortgage companies push for ownership, others suggest the benefits of renting. Any thoughts?
Friday, May 25, 2007
Paul's Leathers
Paul is one more step closer to going professional, customized leathers from sponsors!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Driving instruction...
Although I'm giving Kyle driving lessons, we happened to get a glance at a picture of Paul's bedroom.

update: (Jim took liberties with the picture....
update: (Jim took liberties with the picture....
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Giants at the Airport
A little known area at Lake Castaic is an airport just for Radio Controlled aircraft. It’s run by “Canyon Crossroads” and is great fun to watch. There were some technical difficulties with the P51 Mustang, but we’ll be seeing it fly soon.

Saturday, May 12, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Alicia and Casey and Jeff Ruby's Steakhouse
Alicia and Casey, when you move to Louisville, Kentucky next month, be sure to dine at Jeff Ruby’s Steakhouse. He is a new hero of’s on me!
Kyle, no more Tylenol
Kyle, if you take any more Tylenol in school, you will have to attend drug and alcohol counseling classes. Don’t believe me? Read on.....
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Road Trip to Phoenix
Jim and I took to the highway Monday afternoon and rode our motorcycles to Phoenix (Goodyear) to visit my parents. It was a great ride (with all the stops, 7 hours). Jim’s mom was staying in Indio, so we saw her as well! Click here for a few pictures of the trip

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